’Oh these Millennials!’’
The number of times I’ve heard this in the context of people management and almost always, negatively.
How can GenZ managers manage millennials?
How different and difficult are they to deal with
Etc etc etc…
I work with ‘these millennials’ all the time. Here are 5 learnings I swear by:
- My ‘frustration’ with them is my shortcomings, not theirs.
- There’s nothing solid communication cannot solve, provided we hone and work on this skill. Something we often forget.
- This conflict allows us to practice empathy, in the most honest way possible.
- We may be the present, but they are the future and our foremost duty is to mentor and not just manage them.
- Certain universal traits of human behavior remain the same, at all times and ages. Use them to connect with any generation.
What are your thoughts? Would love to hear from you.